Online Nourished Festival
Deborah Altman
For years, family and friends pleaded with Deborah to open a restaurant, bakery, or catering business to showcase her culinary talents. When her son was diagnosed with Celiac Disease and she with Leukemia, Deborah sought to take her family's health into her own hands. With a background as a Physical Therapist, she dove into the scientific literature about functional medicine and nutrition. She recreated the recipes her friends and family had come to love through a "food as medicine" philosophy. Today, Deborah is the founder of, where she helps people discover how to easily create nutrient-dense food that both tastes amazing and nourishes their bodies for chronic health. She leads a Cooking Club where members participate in monthly cooking classes, guidance and coaching, recipes and videos, and fun ways to add "bites" of knowledge to their cooking playbook. Members are empowered to create delicious, gluten-free, and dairy-free foods in their own homes!
Deborah Altman
Deborah Altman


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